Code of Ethics
I will support and focus on my client’s agenda as the most important objective of our relationship.
I will protect my client’s confidentiality unless authorized by my client to release confidential information or I am required by law to do so or an intent to harm oneself or others has been disclosed.
I will provide a clear understanding of the coaching engagement and expectations prior to accepting a client. This will include, at a minimum, terms of payment, expected frequency and format of meeting, and any policies that might impact fees or delivery of service.
I will immediately advise my client if I believe I am unable to help them for any reason.
I will not use a coaching relationship to obtain any sexual, personal, or financial advantages or favors.
I will inform my client, in advance, if I have a vested interest in any referral or suggested actions or activities.
I will not knowingly make any false or intentionally misleading statements or claims to my clients.
Under no circumstance will I engage or collude with my clients in any illegal activity.